Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Friday Shopping

Hello All,

I know that everyone is still getting over their turkey-coma and trying to get back into the real world. Also on that note, I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends. The second comment is, I hope none of your friends or family memebers got abused on the Black Friday Shopping.

For those that don't klnow, Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving where normally all the stores around the world have discounts of 50% or more off of clothes, applances and electronics. From what I have seen over the years, many people go out for the $200 dollar flat screen TV's and $299 computers.

Many stores have opened thier doors over the years at 5am. About three years ago, some women at a Wal-Mart was trampled trying to get to the holiday sales. So now many stores are opening their doors at 12am, or giving away the deals at 12am so many people don't have to wait around crowding the store up. Personally, I think that really smart idea for the stores as well as it saves lives.

This year I decided to stay at home and not particapate in all of shopping and exciting that is going on in the streets. The one thing that I did want, I was able to get online! Done and Done!  So a lot of my twitter family, friends and such went out to brave the conditions of the Black Friday madness. On a good note, none of those people were arrested or charged with cutting the line. But I seen some pictures from Wal-Mart, where a guy was charged with cutting the line to get a 80' flat screen TV and he was held down and arrested by a guard. It seems to be a serious matter when it comes to the cutting.

Let keep it real people, if you have to cut in line, get arrested or curse people out for a deal, just save your time. Hell, if you wait to cyber Monday you might even get the same deal and you can stay in the confort of your own home!

Maybe one day I will brave the shoppers, but until then, Shouts out to the Internet!

<3 Brits

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