Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Val Wedding Makeup

Its Been a long time, but I'm back! Yay! 

Its about the time that I take this more seriously! So lets get back to what I know and love, Makeup!

First is Wedding season!

I had the pleasure of working with my bride Val. She got married on April 28, in a amazing church in Lockport, Il. (its about 35 minutes outside of Chicago)

Products I used: Eyes: naked lunch (mac), saddle (mac), print (mac) Royal Blue (chenman for mac limited edition), Lashes #21 (mac) Cheeks: dame and Fluer Power (mac); Lip: Angel (mac) and Oyster Girl (mac).

She loved her look and I was a pleasure working with her!

Here are a few pictures of the wedding below.

I love her dress! It was amazing in person. it was so elegant and completely fitting to her personality! 

Those three girls were her made of honor and her two sisters. 

She was amazingly glowing on this day. She was very happy! Overall I did a smokey eye with a hint of blue. 

This was their redone church. I was so pretty and it had a old school vintage feel just like her dress.

Congrats to the happy couple and I truly wish them the best of luck. 

xoxo Love, 


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