Monday, May 21, 2012

Ladies get excited: The Christian Louboutin Store is opening in Chicago!

Ladies and Gents too!

Get excited, by December of 2012, the new Christian Louboutin Store will be open in Chicago. It will be located on the popular (very rich and uppity, yeah I said it) Oak Street.

Read below for more info:

Below, this is going to be the location for the new store.The old Esquire Movie theater on Oak, which closed down over 10 years ago will house the new 1000 sq ft store. Its going to be on the very popular Oak Street in Downtown Chicago. Oak street hosts many popular retail stores, Barneys, MAC, Tori Burch, Tom Ford, BCBG, Gucci, etc. So the store will be fitting in the new home!

The store is in the process of being built and it should be ready by the Holiday Season!

Welcome home Louboution! You will be in a well deserved location and an amazing facility! 

Enjoy the great news! 

xoxo Brits! 

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