Thursday, November 24, 2011

I've been gone but I'm back!

Hello All,

I am sorry that I have been MIA. I just got a new job and it has been really hard for me to keep up with my new sleep schedule, as well as the new tiring job. So now that I got everything back in order and I am all together, I will be back everyday posting a new blog for you all to read. There is so much catching up to do, its crazy.

On tomorrow, I will be posting about a few things, Dancing with the Stars, The new Versace for H&M and the line that was outside, the fashions at the AMAs. thanksgiving and so on.

Thanks for hanging in there with me and I look forward to catching everyone up on everything!

I hope you and yours had an amazing thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble!

<3 Brits

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